at Mystic Lake Meeting June 16-18
1. What processes will be put into place to address and heal the pain, anger, mistrust and broken relationships between [some HUG organizations] and the collegium that have been exacerbated over the course of the restructuring process?
2. What procedures will be put into place in the new proposed structure to ensure transparency of programming necessary for the board to carry out its fiduciary and supervisory responsibilities?
3. HUGs have been felt that the process of considering restructuring has not been sufficiently transparent.
a. What are the specific rationales for restructuring? How does the proposed restructuring address each rationale?
c. What cost savings will be achieved by the restructuring process?
4. What effect will restructuring have on the management and distribution of unrestricted funds?
6. What are the biblical and theological rationales underpinning the particular structure proposed? How does the proposed structure arise from these rationales?
8. How will the responsibilities of and reporting relationships for the executive ministers change under the proposed restructuring?
10. What will the reporting relationships between the GMP and executive ministers be?
12. What specific programs will be set up to facilitate the continued engagement of local churches at the national setting if the number of persons serving on national boards decreases? How will these programs be funded?
14. How will the restructuring process ensure that voices from outside the GFT will be considered and incorporated?
16. What is the underlying mission and vision for the church that the governance structure carries out? How does the governance structure relate to the stated mission and vision?
18. If an Executive Committee in the new proposed structure has extensive authority as in previous restructuring proposals, how will its composition, role and processes be consistent with anti-racist principles? What bylaw or constitutional provisions will be in place to ensure that its membership is racially and ethnically inclusive?
20. How will the policy and priority setting role of General Synod be affected by restructuring?
22. What is the plan for ensuring that we will continue to be a board-driven not a staff-driven church, as called for in the unanimously passed 2002 Covenanted Ministry board resolutions?
24. How will the proposed new structure ensure that people with a passion for a particular area of ministry serve on a program committee or area that reflects their passion?
26. How will the proposed new structure ensure that the racial and ethnic diversity within each HUG organization is represented at the national setting if the number of total persons representing HUG organizations on national boards is reduced?
28. How will the proposed new structure contribute to the concern over the sharing of OCWM and other funds between the national setting, conferences, and local churches?
30. How will the proposed structure ensure that there is representation on the board of both members of historically underrepresented groups and the organizations that advocate on behalf of those persons?
32. How will the proposed structure facilitate coordinated planning, programming, and funding of programming among local churches, conferences, and the national setting.
- Separate boards make it hard for executive ministers to coordinate fully
- Current structure does not require boards to negotiate over priorities
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